Ready to get started?

We'd love to say hello and give you the full demo of Lobyco's powerful tools
Learn how to streamline your promotions
& loyalty activity
Explore how AI and machine learning can enhance your customer experience
Attract a younger audience and discover easy payment options for self-checkout
Used by innovative global grocery retailers

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Don’t just take it from us…

Our clients and their success stories
We launched the Profi app (#1 in App Store) to get closer to our customers, offering them personal and relevant services and products – anywhere, anytime.


stamp cards were activated during the first 5 months. On average, each active user activated 2.5 stamp cards


Customers spend 11% more per month after adopting the app
Lobyco addressed our challenges head-on by providing us with a sophisticated loyalty platform that not only gave us deep insights into our customers preferences and behaviours but also enabled us to communicate with them directly and effectively.We're now able to offer targeted promotions, making our loyalty program more relevant and valuable to our members. The platform’s robust capabilities have been instrumental in elevating our loyalty program, making it a cornerstone of our customer engagement strategy.