Say hello to Lobyco Connect - a powerful, modular, scalable SaaS platform that empowers grocery retailers to deliver seamless promotion management, enhanced loyalty programs, and streamlined checkout capabilities
Elevate sales with a proven white-label app design, enhancing customer baskets
Deliver cost savings and streamline architecture
Toni Erikssen,
IT Manager at Tokmanni
Reward members in real-time and nudge them towards your desired behaviour
Deliver the next big thing in customer engagement in grocery retail and tap into AI driven promotions
Gísli Tryggvi Gíslason,
Product Manager at Samkaup
Supercharge personalised engagement by delivering CX across multiple touchpoints, motivating members to keep shopping with you, both in & out of store
Customers want & demand more - give them instant gratification
Our streamlined promotions platform includes hundreds of flexible promotion parameters so retailers can develop a 121 relationship with their members
Offer your customers more choice, from how they pay to where they pay, with loyalty currency payments, and a cost-effective self-checkout kiosk solutions that can handle it all (including items without barcodes and even age checks)
Choose between our white-label app built specifically for grocery retailers, or seamlessly integrate our solutions into your existing app via widget for maximum flexibility
Take a read of our latest blog, discover client success stories, or catch up on our latest webinar
Meet the team behind the magic
Contact us for a demo, media outreach or just a plain old chat